Saturday, October 28, 2006

Samhain not Halloween

Halloween is an annual celebration, but just what is it actually a celebration of? And how did this peculiar custom originate? Is it, as some claim, a kind of demon worship? Or is it just a harmless vestige of some ancient pagan ritual?
The word itself, "Halloween," actually has its origins in the Catholic Church. It comes from a contracted corruption of All Hallows Eve. November 1, "All Hollows Day" (or "All Saints Day"), is a Catholic day of observance in honor of saints. But, in the 5th century BC, in Celtic Ireland, summer officially ended on October 31. The holiday was called Samhain (sow-en), the Celtic New year.
Samhain (Sow-en) marks one of the two great doorways of the Celtic year, for the Celts divided the year into two seasons: the light and the dark, at Beltane on May 1st and Samhain on November 1st. Some believe that Samhain was the more important festival, marking the beginning of a whole new cycle, just as the Celtic day began at night. For it was understood that in dark silence comes whisperings of new beginnings, the stirring of the seed below the ground. Whereas Beltane welcomes in the summer with joyous celebrations at dawn, the most magically potent time of this festival is November Eve, the night of October 31st, known today of course, as Halloween.
Samhain (Scots Gaelic: Samhuinn) literally means “summer's end.” In Scotland and Ireland, Halloween is known as Oíche Shamhna, while in Wales it is Nos Calan Gaeaf, the eve of the winter's calend, or first. With the rise of Christianity, Samhain was changed to Hallowmas, or All Saints' Day, to commemorate the souls of the blessed dead who had been canonized that year, so the night before became popularly known as Halloween, All Hallows Eve, or Hollantide. November 2nd became All Souls Day, when prayers were to be offered to the souls of all who the departed and those who were waiting in Purgatory for entry into Heaven. Throughout the centuries, pagan and Christian beliefs intertwine in a gallimaufry of celebrations from Oct 31st through November 5th, all of which appear both to challenge the ascendancy of the dark and to revel in its mystery.
In the country year, Samhain marked the first day of winter, when the herders led the cattle and sheep down from their summer hillside pastures to the shelter of stable and byre. The hay that would feed them during the winter must be stored in sturdy thatched ricks, tied down securely against storms. Those destined for the table were slaughtered, after being ritually devoted to the gods in pagan times. All the harvest must be gathered in -- barley, oats, wheat, turnips, and apples -- for come November, the faeries would blast every growing plant with their breath, blighting any nuts and berries remaining on the hedgerows. Peat and wood for winter fires were stacked high by the hearth. It was a joyous time of family reunion, when all members of the household worked together baking, salting meat, and making preserves for the winter feasts to come. The endless horizons of summer gave way to a warm, dim and often smoky room; the symphony of summer sounds was replaced by a counterpoint of voices, young and old, human and animal.
In early Ireland, people gathered at the ritual centers of the tribes, for Samhain was the principal calendar feast of the year. The greatest assembly was the 'Feast of Tara,' focusing on the royal seat of the High King as the heart of the sacred land, the point of conception for the new year. In every household throughout the country, hearth-fires were extinguished. All waited for the Druids to light the new fire of the year -- not at Tara, but at Tlachtga, a hill twelve miles to the north-west. It marked the burial-place of Tlachtga, daughter of the great druid Mogh Ruith, who may once have been a goddess in her own right in a former age.
At at all the turning points of the Celtic year, the gods drew near to Earth at Samhain, so many sacrifices and gifts were offered up in thanksgiving for the harvest. Personal prayers in the form of objects symbolizing the wishes of supplicants or ailments to be healed were cast into the fire, and at the end of the ceremonies, brands were lit from the great fire of Tara to re-kindle all the home fires of the tribe, as at Beltane. As they received the flame that marked this time of beginnings, people surely felt a sense of the kindling of new dreams, projects and hopes for the year to come.
The Samhain fires continued to blaze down the centuries. In the 1860s the Halloween bonfires were still so popular in Scotland that one traveler reported seeing thirty fires lighting up the hillsides all on one night, each surrounded by rings of dancing figures, a practice which continued up to the first World War. Young people and servants lit brands from the fire and ran around the fields and hedges of house and farm, while community leaders surrounded parish boundaries with a magic circle of light. Afterwards, ashes from the fires were sprinkled over the fields to protect them during the winter months -- and of course, they also improved the soil. The bonfire provided an island of light within the oncoming tide of winter darkness, keeping away cold, discomfort, and evil spirits long before electricity illumined our nights. When the last flame sank down, it was time to run as fast as you could for home, raising the cry, “The black sow without a tail take the hindmost!”
Even today, bonfires light up the skies in many parts of the British Isles and Ireland at this season, although in many areas of Britain their significance has been co-opted by Guy Fawkes Day, which falls on November 5th, and commemorates an unsuccessful attempt to blow up the English Houses of Parliament in the 17th century. In one Devonshire village, the extraordinary sight of both men and women running through the streets with blazing tar barrels on their backs can still be seen! Whatever the reason, there will probably always be a human need to make fires against the winter’s dark.
Divination at Halloween Samhain was a significant time for divination, perhaps even more so than May or Midsummer’s Eve, because this was the chief of the three Spirit Nights. Divination customs and games frequently featured apples and nuts from the recent harvest, and candles played an important part in adding atmosphere to the mysteries. In Scotland, a child born at Samhain was said to be gifted with an dà shealladh, “The Two Sights” commonly known as “second sight,” or clairvoyance.
Apple MagicAt the heart of the Celtic Otherworld grows an apple tree whose fruit has magical properties. Old sagas tell of heroes crossing the western sea to find this wondrous country, known in Ireland as Emhain Abhlach, (Evan Avlach) and in Britain, Avalon. At Samhain, the apple harvest is in, and old hearthside games, such as apple-bobbing, called apple-dookin’ in Scotland, reflect the journey across water to obtain the magic apple.
Dookin' for Apples Place a large tub, preferably wooden, on the floor, and half fill it with water. Tumble in plenty of apples, and have one person stir them around vigorously with a long wooden spoon or rod of hazel, ash or any other sacred tree.
Each player takes their turn kneeling on the floor, trying to capture the apples with their teeth as they go bobbing around. Each gets three tries before the next person has a go. Best to wear old clothes for this one, and have a roaring fire nearby so you can dry off while eating your prize!If you do manage to capture an apple, you might want to keep it for a divination ritual, such as this one:
The Apple and the MirrorBefore the stroke of midnight, sit in front of a mirror in a room lit only by one candle or the moon. Go into the silence, and ask a question. Cut the apple into nine pieces. With your back to the mirror, eat eight of the pieces, then throw the ninth over your left shoulder. Turn your head to look over the same shoulder, and you will see and in image or symbol in the mirror that will tell you your answer.
(When you look in the mirror, let your focus go "soft," and allow the patterns made by the moon or candlelight and shadows to suggest forms, symbols and other dreamlike images that speak to your intuition.)
Dreaming StonesGo to a boundary stream and with closed eyes, take from the water three stones between middle finger and thumb, saying these words as each is gathered:
I will lift the stoneAs Mary lifted it for her Son,For substance, virtue, and strength;May this stone be in my handTill I reach my journey’s end.
(Scots Gaelic)Togaidh mise chlach,Mar a thog Moire da Mac,Air bhrìgh, air bhuaidh, ‘s air neart;Gun robh a chlachsa am dhòrn,Gus an ruig mi mo cheann uidhe.
Carry them home carefully and place them under your pillow. That night, ask for a dream that will give you guidance or a solution to a problem, and the stones will bring it for you.

We here celebrate in a far different manner than most of U.S. Households...for us it's not a festival celebating sugar and silly costumes

just wanted to remind everyone why we do the things we do....

enjoy the holiday


Monday, October 23, 2006

Life Moves Fast

My daughter who is 14 is growing up way to faaassssstttt! lately she wants to "Hang" with her friends every weekend. She used to be the one to help me with all the animals. She used to be the first one to want to exploring in the woods, or dig in the mud. Now she wants to go shopping, do her hair and nails, wants a cellphone, and talks about boys (Arrrggghhhh!) As a result my son Tyler has been helping me more and more. He is a fun kid and absorbs things like a sponge, and he wants to try everything sometimes i have trouble keeping up. I am enjoying our one on one time together. But i miss the interaction with my daughter on this level. Lately we are either arguing and yelling at one another...or having serious and frank discussions about stuff i'm not ready to talk about yet....I guess what i'm saying is i'm not ready for her to grow up. I had a dream not to long ago where i sang and played one of her favorite songs at her wedding (scary dream!) I want that little girl back who carried frogs around in her pocket, and didn't care if she had a bath that day or not......(sigh) being a parent can really suck sometimes.....

Dead Man Blogging?

OK so the wife and i often have discussions about all kinds of crazy crap and one night the subject of women came up.....(Gulp) It would not be human for any male to not find other women other than their wives or girlfriends she asked me who i found attractive and being me..... i told the risk of losing my manhood here are the results....(Now keep in mind these women are not on this list simply because of the way they me beauty is more than skin me beauty is a a culmination of many aspects including personality, bearing, attitude, sense of humor etc. in other words they have to have a total "package" not just a pretty ..... all the women on this list have a quality or qualities that attract me or speak to me in some way shape or form, above all the other women out there...)
At number 10 we have Ms. Lucy Liu....what is so special you ask? Have you seen her freckles? I dig freckles....and have you seen Kill Bill? and a 5'2" she fits my personal aesthetic....enough said
At Number 9 is Zhang Ziyi......she is one of those women who can pull off the innocent angelic thing and then turn around a be a complete bitch, and talk about graceful....have you seen her films? She has also taken it upon herself to be the ambassador for female Asian actors....

at number 8 we have Rose Mcgowan. My sister says she looks like a bug, but something about her overall presence just speaks to me...any anybody that can find decent qualities in people like Marilyn Manson gets my vote.

at number 7 we have Christina Ricci......I have always loved the Addams Family from the comic strip, to the sixties TV Show to the current films......and Christina will forever be Wednesday Addams in my she has a big forehead so what I think she is very cute! and I love Creepy chicks!
At number 6 is Sherilynn Fenn....the first time i saw this woman i fell in her voice, and the way she carries herself just sucked me right into the movie screen...not sure where she is now but i think she will always be one of the most beautiful women i have ever seen!

at number 5 is Elizabeth Hurley......Early in her career she did nothing for me, but as she got older that changed....her manner her bearing, her grace seemed to improve the older she got now in her 40's i think this woman is the quintessential picture of class and sophistication...and you have to love the accent.

at number 4 is Uma i realize she is an unconventional beauty, but she is fun, quirky, and odd. I don't normally like blondes (Odd cause i married one) but this one stands out in my mind...there are blondes much prettier but for me and my money this one is it! Have you seen Kill Bill?...this woman owned that role (The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo/Black Mamba) and cemented her place in my mind......

at number 3 is Angelina Jolie....when i first noticed her i thought she had really great eyes but didn't think much more about her...until I realized my wife thought she was the fact the ball and chain said she would DO Ms. Jolie and I would love to be the meat in that sandwich...but then again who wouldn't? Seriously though the older she gets she seems to mature and become like a fine wine....and her charity work just puts the cherry on the sundae!

at number 2 is the Pin Up queen herself Bettie Page.......She revolutionized attitudes towards sex and became the heroine of many women the world over not to mention raised the blood pressure of men everywhere....I became fascinated with her at an early age...when my friends were drooling over Farrah, and, Heather and the like Bettie was always my gal and will always remain that way.... My wife frequently buys me Bettie Page cool is that?

And at number 1 is my wife Nicole....(Yea i know you think i'm trying to score brownie points or save my ass but i'm dead serious) This woman has changed my entire outlook on life, love, relationships, sex, family, and a host of other things. When i first met her i thought she had a great ass...but that was as far as it went...she was really bitchy! Not to mention i'm a bit on the republican side of the fence and she is way over on the left and as you can see from the pictures above I don't really like Also she is a gemini so I never know who i'm going to come home to, or who will walk in the door sometimes...(seriously i'm not kidding which is both scary and exciting) She is one of the only women that i have ever met that can be classy, crass, demure, outrageous, soft spoken, in your face, inoocent, and sultry all at the same time, and still manage to bang her head! She is a lady on my arm, she can be a slut in the bedroom, she can be an innocent child....she is sexy in her undies, nothing at all, and an old T-shirt (she even has beautiful feet!). She is kind, giving to a fault...and makes me laugh even when i really don't want to. She indulges me in all things...sometimes too much...she has made me a father...(an experience that i both love and hate her for)...she is my best friend, my lover, my mother, and my wife......I love her.....and she has freckles did i mention i love freckles?.......and guys if you choose to believe it or not I wouldn't trade her for ANY of the women on this list!
I should mention there are a few gals that used to be on the list and fell off for various reasons but they include...Winona Ryder , Jennifer Connelly , Monica Bellucci , Fairuza Balk , Robin Tunney , Thora Birch , Kate Winslet , Janeane Garofalo (yes you read that correctly), and Janine Turner .......but i figured i would mention them anyway, i suppose if i expanded my list to 20 these women would be the next in line. Yea i know i'm a weird guy......probably only Angelina, and Elizabeth would have been the only ones on my list to make it to most other men's list, but as i said they didn't make it to my list because of the way they look, or how they are built......there is much more to a woman's beauty than that and if you don't know that then you have no business with a woman at all!
enjoy the candy...

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

My wife just recently bought me a Sirius Satellite Radio receiver for our anniversary........I love the damn thing.....and it got me to thinking.......Music used to be a HUGE part of my fact at one time i made a living playing guitar. Now music seems to be simply the background score for my life. If i'm in a crappy mood i put on anything by the Ramones and i'm instantly better. If I want to get pumped up I throw on some old AC/DC (that means before Brian Johnson came along...since Back in Black their music seems to be missing a key ingredient in fact it just sucks). I'm also the biggest Black Sabbath fan ever..(I hate to admit it but I like the Dio stuff better.....from a technical standpoint) The Beatles, Janis, Jimi, and the Doors never leave my player...ever. Without even noticing it my love for music seems to have rubbed off on the children (hence the picture of my son who now owns his own drum kit!!) In fact my teenage daughter and i go cd shopping together and she has introduced me to a few new bands as well. (I'm listening to Wolfmother as i type this) ok so my hair is all gone but "Hair Nation" is the number one station programmed into my receiver followed by Buzzsaw, Octane, and Hard Attack.....
I love my wife, she is indeed my sunshine

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Old Dog, New Tricks

OK so years ago when i first met my wife, she wasn't into reptiles in any way, shape, form or fashion.....she liked all the fuzzy cute stuff......Well I have created a monster I tell you......Roughly four years ago i drug her off kicking and screaming to a reptile convention.......long story short when we left the show that day she had purchased two snakes of her own.......
Recently she has discovered Geckos......(to be specific Crested and Gargoyle Geckos...this is one of her animals i photographed with my new digital camera) this is an animal that I would have never purchased on my own (After all it's not a snake)......but I have to say they have turned out to be some of the most rewarding animals that i (We) have ever kept. Ironic isn't it?.....i introduce her to the world of reptiles and she ends up being the one to expand my hobby. One of the many reason why i love my

Thursday, October 12, 2006

They Asked for More

well they literary agency responded to me asking for more material so i sent these three poems along as again to be on the safe side i'm going to publish them here as well

In our rented room
Your form explicit
your legs
Were my world
A measure of content
In your arms
For a while
Under cool cotton sheets
within you
Once upon a time
Petite queen

Now disenchanted
Our union
Marred and broken
I lay here
By myself
Consorting with
My demons
And wanting to die
Has no time for me

So I write
And survive
The suicide Notes
No one
will find

In shadow
I fear being alone
I now know
Is not for me
Scared Little Boy
On the inside
Afraid to ask
Where you are
And if your

Ravens wings and stranger things
The dark corners of my mind
Macabre mists
Infest neurons
Cluttering Them with
Sinister insidious unease
Cathartic terrors
Neural net pathways
Ponderous foreboding dreams
Meant to Remain
Safely locked away
With heavy iron chains and padlocks

Wild streams
Of violent midnight
Leak from my pen
Like glittering streams of ebon
Forming opiate oceans
Of monstrous drivel
With which to
This worm eaten page

Black and forbidden

I remember
By the light of candles
And the relentless
Dripping of wax
In a place
To strange searching
A fresh
Morbid malignancy
Seeped into
My cerebellum

A strange phantom
Guides my hand
Spectral fragments
And letters form
A turn of the key
And you

What was once
Will never be again
Fate is fickle
As she is
Changing her heart
And mind
Minute to minute
As they are all
Inclined to do

The bane
Of my existence
I love them dearly

I am part of
A generation
Raised by women
Always absent
No solution
Can the Answer
be Found
In the arms of

Only half
Without the other
I have tried
I have

Life is simple
The answer
The question?

paranoid maybe but i suppose you can never be to safe?


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Recent Submission

I recently Submitted this poem for consideration to a literary agency so just in case (Paranoid) i'm going to publish it here as well

Only in the shadowed recessed
Alcoves of my brain
Do I begin to understand
The arcane logic
Of the alpha numerical poly-peptide
Of both life and death

Because of the coins you chose
To press into the ferry mans’
Outstretched bony grasp
A holy war now rages
In the v-twin adrenalin charged Temple

of my heart
Armies of anger and sorrow
Surge unchecked
Waging war
Across the battlefield
Of my scarred grey twisted soul
Fallen soldiers
Comprised of blood and tears
Mingle together
And embrace
As they free themselves
On silver and ebon wings
From their brutal prison
Of carbon and h20

There is no such thing
For me
You have removed me from
His healing light
And left me in this hell
Constructed just for me
The one you promised
To love, honor, cherish, and obey

Just as the night must die
To give birth to the dawn
A part of me
Died with you
Giving birth to hatred
Most divine
A hatred you nurtured
At your breast
A hatred you placed
Into the cavity of my chest
Where its evil cancerous growth
Eats away at me
Day by day

With the contents of a bottle
You left me alone
In a cold and clinical place
To identify
Your earthly remains

your mother
Refused to bear witness
To your cold and lifeless blue form

It is only now
After having served my sentence
Of loneliness in shadow
That I can return
To that morning
Surrounded by stainless steel
White sheets and formaldehyde
And truly
Kiss you goodbye

Only now
Can I walk
Down that long corridor
Of concrete
And pass through
Those heavy doors
Of leaded glass
Out into the sun

better safe than sorry


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Body Modification

Why do it? Good question.....Body modification (or body alteration) is defined as the permanent or semi-permanent deliberate altering of the human body for non-medical reasons, such as spiritual, various social (markings), BDSM "edgeplay" or aesthetic. It can range from the socially acceptable decoration (e.g., pierced ears in many societies), to the overtly religiously mandated (e.g., circumcision in a number of cultures) to corporal punishment, to provocative statement by the rebellious (e.g., tongue splitting). Some even become physically addicted to the adrenaline/endorphin release associated with a painful procedure in a way analogous to that experienced by those who self harm. Some people experience an abstract but distinct compulsion to modify their body that appears to have no underlying or external reason. Some futurists believe that eventually humans will pursue body modification with more advanced technological means, such as permanently implanted devices to enhance mental and physical capabilities, thereby becoming cyborgs. For the substantial number of people with heart pacemakers and brain implants such as cochlear implants and electrical brain stimulators for Parkinson's disease, this is already a reality. (Imagine a world where we can have ipods/MP3 players hard wired and implanted directly into our brains) i.e. William Gibson

So why did i do it? I'm not sure i have been toying with the idea for years...i guess i'm at a point in my life where i have done everything the way i am supposed to and it hasn't gotten me anywhere...i.e. cut my hair to get a job etc. Did I do it to be cool? my son asked me this question, and well that opens up another question what is cool...Body modification has become a common place event these fact while i was standing around shooting the breeze with one of the artists, three women one a nurse, one a waitress, the other a housewife...all having various piercings done were in line in front of my definition of cool would be to not have it done simply because everyone else IS having it done so no I didn't do it to be cool...besides how cool can a 37 year old bald father truly be ? again why did i do it? I suppose it boiled down to freedom...i made the chice to do it any nobody can tell me what i can or can't do with my body. My ears have been pierced for roughly 20 years now and i did it then because i knew it would piss off my father (Ex-Navy). and i simply liked the way it looked. I currently have 6 tattoos each of them inked just after a major life event.....the publishing of my first comic, my divorce, my 30th birthday etc. So I suppose the answer is i did it because i wanted to! why does anyone do anything? Something to think about. I think everyone should get at least one tattoo or at least one piercing.

Just my two cents


Saturday, October 07, 2006

For my Buddy Scott K.


I was told his housekeeper found him sitting upright in his favorite chair, the expression on his face frozen in a state of obvious abject transfiguring fear, his fist clutched around an amulet made from some unknown black highly polished red stained mineral matter. The coroner listed the cause of death as shock derived from electrical discharge. I being a student of the occult and esoteric was the only one who accepted the truth for what it was. Next to him on the side table nervously scrawled with a finger in his spilled wine was a single word: Nyarlathotep.

this is a post in response to Matt Dinniman's Flash Fiction contest:



Friday, October 06, 2006

Coolest Wife on the Planet!

Today on my long commute to work i thought a lot about my life......I have come to the realization that i truly have the coolest wife on the planet. We met at a party....and i couldn't stand her...she was bitchy full of herself and about as liberal, left wing, and tree hugger as you can fact we got into a very heated debate about hunting..(while we still disagree overall she has come to see my side of it) but after more conversation she managed to flip through my CD wallet and find several Ramones CD's which made me a little better in her book and I managed to get a good look at her ass...which made her better in mine....needless to say roughly 6 months later we got hitched....I have kept reptiles the better part of my life and wasn't about to give them up...she wasn't too keen on the idea until she managed to get one in her hands...(today she has her own that she keeps and breeds, as well as tortoises and geckos). Most women would go apeshit if ther husbands turned the spare bedroom into a vivarium...but not mine in fact she encouraged me to turn it into a business (she keeps the books naturally). Most women would also have a hissy fit over their husbands looking at another woman....Mine looks at them with me....(I have always had a thing for Betty Page and she buys me Betty Page cool is that?) She never misses a beat with me or the kids even when she is sick and running a 102 degree temp. She is always up for an adventure, she encourages me like no one ever has including my parents, she is kind, sweet, forgiving, sexy, beautiful (both inside and out) and I cannot imagine my life without her. She also made me a father (2 kids).....In fact that is probably the only thing we ever argue about...I'm a bit of a hard ass having grown up in a Navy household and she is a bit of a softie so we usually have to meet some where in the middle. She indulges my fantasy and SCI-FI addictions, as well as my Toy Collection (My last Birthday she actually imported a toy from Japan because she knew how bad i wanted it) She also bought me a first addition of Naked Lunch by William Burroughs (yes I collect books too....go figure) She will go without many things so the me and the kids can have and she never complains about it....She will give you the shirt off her back if she thought it would help....She rescues every sick or injured animal she sees, and goes out of her way to make you smile. In short she is a saint for putting up with me and my crap....I don't really know why she does it but I'm glad she for the first time in my life I'm hopelessly, deeply and totally in love...she is indeed my sunshine and the reason i hit the ground running every day.....So Honey if your reading this, Thank You for saying yes when i asked you to marry me ......... I love you!

Ah shut up! I know its mushy but i don't care.... and no I'm not in the doghouse


Thursday, October 05, 2006

Only from My Cold Dead Fingers

As a gun enthusiast, I often fume that the anti-gun crowd is forever thinking that firearms themselves are somehow responsible for terrible tragedies, as if a thing of forged steel and finely machined parts could contain some indwelling power and mind of its own. New or stronger laws are not the answer........we need to enforce the laws that are already on the regards to the recent events (i.e. school shootings which deeply sadden, sicken me as well as piss me off) stronger gun laws could not have prevented any of these shootings, because these people had no criminal background and had not been treated for any psychological problems, and even if they had.....guns can be bought anywhere for the right price....why punish me or any law abiding gun owner for something somebody else did or does? You can make all the changes you want to existing laws or even make new ones, but you can never stop a random act of violence by someone intent on taking his own life, or the lives of others. These disturbed people are going to find a way to commit these deeds.... if its with a screwdriver, a hairdryer, a hammer, a virus, or a car. Pointing the finger at guns is just stupid and lazy. I find it very ironic and funny that left wing nutcases like Rosie Fat-Ass O'Donnel that are so against guns....she has attacked everyone you can imagine (Did you see her ambush Tom Selleck on her show?) and has marched on Washington in support of her so called cause.... and yet her bodyguards carry.....yep you guessed it guns! of do as i say not do as i just shows the attitude of these people...


Sunday, October 01, 2006

New Lease on Life

I know it s been a while so sue me life gets in the way of things all the time....(I have been working on a Novel) and......My son Tyler has been begging me for over two years now for a bow this week i decided he was old enough. But I need to back up.....I was cruising down the road on my way to work the other day and the "Cats in the Cradle" came on the radio...suddenly i had to pull over a cry a little bit (seriously) My son had made the comment a few days before that everybody was just too busy to play with him. His older sister was out with friends I was working in the snake room and updating a website and his mother was at work......Suddenly my childhood came flashing Father was in the Navy and always gone when he was home he was sleeping or busy ...we don't have the greatest relationship now and i didn't want us to be the same i dusted off and old hand me down Fred Bear Bow cleaned it up and bought him a new one and we have spent the last two days plinking arrows in the yard......I never knew 100.00 bucks could be so rewarding...... I don't think I have ever seen him so happy, or me either for that matter its funny how small things can change your perspective.....Life moves very fast don't stand still for too long.....
