Thursday, October 19, 2006

Guilty Pleasures

My wife just recently bought me a Sirius Satellite Radio receiver for our anniversary........I love the damn thing.....and it got me to thinking.......Music used to be a HUGE part of my fact at one time i made a living playing guitar. Now music seems to be simply the background score for my life. If i'm in a crappy mood i put on anything by the Ramones and i'm instantly better. If I want to get pumped up I throw on some old AC/DC (that means before Brian Johnson came along...since Back in Black their music seems to be missing a key ingredient in fact it just sucks). I'm also the biggest Black Sabbath fan ever..(I hate to admit it but I like the Dio stuff better.....from a technical standpoint) The Beatles, Janis, Jimi, and the Doors never leave my player...ever. Without even noticing it my love for music seems to have rubbed off on the children (hence the picture of my son who now owns his own drum kit!!) In fact my teenage daughter and i go cd shopping together and she has introduced me to a few new bands as well. (I'm listening to Wolfmother as i type this) ok so my hair is all gone but "Hair Nation" is the number one station programmed into my receiver followed by Buzzsaw, Octane, and Hard Attack.....
I love my wife, she is indeed my sunshine

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