Saturday, January 27, 2007

Life in General

I constantly hear teenagers remark that adults don't have a clue how hard life is for them in today's seriously try being a parent in today's society....

When I was a kid i took off at fist light and as long as i was home for dinner me and mom were cool, she had no idea where i was or what i was I make my daughter call me every couple of hours and tell me where she is, what she is doing, and who she is with (without running up my cell bill to the level of the national deficit). I have to constantly monitor her computer habits to make sure she isn't being stalked in a chat room or downloading a virus onto the computer that is supposed to make my life easier.....she has "friends" that are 13 and 14 having babies...."friends" that have already overdosed or being arrested for being drunk in public, or running away from home cause their second or third step dad is beating the shit out of them, and friends that are making themselves throw up cause they think they are too fat.

I have to trust that what i have taught her and warned her about have taken hold and have been understood because lets face it i can't be with her every second of every day can i? but hopefully my words are.

She called her mom last night saying that she and her boyfriend "broke-up"....I had to stop myself from doing the happy dance for a minute and consider things from her viewpoint. This is her first "real" crush and i can remember first real break-up and it sucked! but at the same time she is 15 and she has her whole life and plenty of boys ahead of her. I mean seriously in a few months is going to make one bit of difference? it might but i seriously doubt it. Teenagers seem to forget that we were once their age, and we lived through it to get to where we are today!

She is involved in the drama department at school and her group won first place at their OAP today she called very happy and excited..It was nice to hear her happy for a change.

Being a teenager is hard?....try being a Father....


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