Monday, March 12, 2007

Another Year Older

Well October 30th is here again which means I'm another year older....we won't say how old because at the moment I'm really feeling it (My age that is). Van Halen was inducted into the Hall of Fame and only Sammy, and Michael bothered to show up, not to mention the also inducted a rapper WTF? it's called the ROCK-N-ROLL hall of fame. Black Sabbath has gotten back together minus Bill Ward and Ozzy. They have released three new studio tracks with Dio at the Helm. I'm a huge Sabbath Fan and as much as i hate to admit it, the Dio years musically speaking were better than those with Ozzy. I often think i was born during the wrong era, (why you ask) well I seem to enjoy things from a bygone era. I recently decided to start a collection of Walking sticks, Canes, and Sword Canes. It's funny how in other countries it is OK for a man to carry a cane at any age but here in America if your not retired and carry one your either gay, or an entertainer, or I have purchased four so far, two of which are Sword canes. One is a very simply black shaft with a stainless chromed knob and a cruciform poniard style blade. The other is kind of cheesy with a skull head and your ordinary double edged blade. Waste of money probably but i think they are cool and you never know i might actually need them one day. I used to wish I could be John Steed from the I'm ranting at this point oh well its close to 2 a.m. and my birthday, I guess I'm allowed. Also I stand up when women leave a table, open doors etc. and you wouldn't believe the looks I get when I do this, it's like I had bees on my face or something. (My Mother raised me right in that respect i suppose) and I love clothes from the 20's and 40's. Ah well...
Man I hope there are brownies when I get up in the morning, that and some new


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