Sunday, September 10, 2006


Everything was going ok today...for a while....the second i asked my 14 year old daughter to do anything other than sit in front of the computer or sit on her butt in front of the TV you would have thought i asked her to carry a 1200 pound calf on her shoulders up hill to the slaughter house in August! What is it about teenagers that they think they don't have to do a damn thing but breathe? For the most part I can deal with the attitude (as I have one of my own) its the mouth, and the disrespect that comes out of it...if i had talked to my father like she does me when i was 14 i wouldn't have any teeth left (that is provided i was still here to even comment on it). It pushes every single button i have all at once.....It makes me want to take the nearest thing i can get my hands on and ram it so far down her throat that when she eventually has children they will taste it! And if that wasn't bad enough the wife just always takes her side and sends us to our respective corners (I'm always the bad guy and I'm an adult i should know better blah blah blah if you want my solution she should be spanked, or grounded or both thats the problem we have now she is way way to soft on them lets them get away with murder and its all written off because they are kids...blah blah blah.... to be fair she argues that i'm way too harsh).....that pisses me off to no end it simply adds injury to insult and makes me pissed at her......I'm really at my wits end here and don't have a clue what to do about it......

maybe things will look better in the morning....but i seriously doubt it!

I'm better of staying at work...........I'm beginning to understand why my father spent so much time at least there he was needed, wanted, people listened to what he had to say, valued his input, and he actually got something accomplished.

any thoughts?


1 comment:

thethinker said...

I've perfected the eye roll/back talk/evil look routine. My parents play the good cop/bad cop with me as well. My dad's usually the good one, though. However, I don't give that much attitude. When I do, they'll be sure to let me know it.