Sunday, August 27, 2006

First Time

This is my first time using a blog everyone else seems to be doing it and as i spend so much time on various reptile forums i figured it would be easier to write my crap here than in my journal....

I don't really expect anyone to read this shite, it just makes me feel better to capture it someplace and let it out of my head.

I used to consider myself a poet back in the good ol' school daze but it seems lately my muse or whatever that elusive spark was that made me want to write has gone out or is hiding someplace down deep and dark, or maybe since getting married for the third time and having children and a large collection of reptiles to tend to has domesticated me or made me content? who knows? I sure don't but let me give it a try anyway....

I was never much for following various forms or formats i liked the stream of thought stuff that became popular in the 50's and 60's or maybe i'm just lazy?

The dis-illusion gradual
into my veins
the inky fimament of dream
flooding my
warm and sticky
shadows melt
taking shape
misty and vague
material forms and
ghostly things
an eerie tango
frightful secrets
incomprehensible whispers
contemplations of
my favorite nightmare
and the wolves
that run freely
just beyond my rerach
like a hasty hesitation
in the sun
in the realm
of bad greeting cards.....

I know odious huh? oh well just my brain passing gas i

ok watching a special on wolverines and have gotten engrossed


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