Saturday, January 05, 2008

Bass It Does A Booty Good III

Well as some of you know i picked up the Bass again after a very long pause.....I have been frustrated with it as all i have had to play on has been a very small combo amp. Well they say Patience is a virtue and that has proven to be true....I picked up this used amp and 4 x 10 cab last weekend, for rougly half of what a new one would have cost me (not to mention the head is vintage 80' While it is not my "Dream Rig" it more than meets my current needs and wants. As my playing warrants i will eventually pick up a 15" cab to add to the bottom end and a pre-amp to give me a better range of tones. Also eventually i plan to pick up a "passive" bass so that i can have two distinct sounds, as well as have them tuned differently to avoid having to tune up or down from song to song. But for now I am having a blast rattling the

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