Tuesday, July 10, 2007

There Comes a Moment...

There comes a moment in your life when you wake up look around and realize that you don't own your things, in point of fact your things own you! (try going on vacation with a house full of animals). I'm not quite sure where it came from but one day a sign appeared in our guest bathroom that reads "Simplify" (I'm sure the wife bought it someplace and hung it up there but i have yet to ask her because for me it was just a little sign from the fates "no pun intended"). We spend out entire lives trying to accumulate stuff....a House, a Car, Big Screen TV, Computer, blah blah blah, etc. Then we are frustrated when things don't work correctly or from trying to keep them from getting broke, or freaking out when the air conditioner conks out....adding stress to our lives on top of the stress from work, and actual life (and for some of you that are saying to yourselves what stress? wait till you have teenagers...especially girls)....so i have decided recently to do just that....Simplify

(I think we would all live healthier happier more productive lives if we all went back to living like the indigenous peoples that used to dot this big blue marble called earth, but what do i know?)

Good luck all...


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