Saturday, April 14, 2007

Scary time to be an American

For those of you that think the Don Imus situation has no bearing on the rest of us your dead wrong. This guy got fired for making a comment that was racist? and Yet Rosie O'Donnell is still on television badmouthing America at every word, Howard Stern is still on the Air degrading females everywhere, and racist ass wipes like Mr. Malik Al Shebaz are still on TV spouting his own brand of hate and racism....

So they fired this Imus guy....and you say so what? don't you see what has happened? and how it will effect us all? Censorship...loss of free speech people....who is next? are your blogs next? Not to mention the double standards.....Hillary Clinton leads the charge calling for Mr. Imus to be fired and yet she accepts a campaign contribution from Timothy Z. Mosley a.k.a Timbaland notorious rapper and music producer who uses the term "ho" all the time...hypocrisy at it finest!!! and what about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton using terms like "cracker" and "redneck" not to mention their numerous documented racial slurs angainst the Jewish community. But apparently thats ok? again can you say double standard?

wake up tune in turn on is a very scary time to be an american......

and only we can fix it!


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