This post quite simply is an outward expression of what I'm currently feeling at the moment...
This is a message to all females everywhere, in every corner of the globe, cosmos, etc. regardless of shape, size, age, origin, color, race, religion etc...
You are all insane and you all SUCK!
thank you...
we now return to or regularly scheduled program...
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Rosie O'Donnell's stormy tenure on "The View" will be a short one. The opinionated host was unable to agree on a contract with ABC, and she'll leave the show in June!
I'm sure Disney wasn't feeling any heat at all were they? Even though many advertisers were in talks to yank their advertising from the Views' prime time slot in response to her adverse comments over the past year such as wars of words with the likes of Donald Trump, Kelly Ripa, Bill O'Reilly and the Chinese-American population as well as her insane anti-American comments...yeah right.....
Ding Dong the Bitch is gone.....
Break out the booze....
Rosie O'Donnell's stormy tenure on "The View" will be a short one. The opinionated host was unable to agree on a contract with ABC, and she'll leave the show in June!
I'm sure Disney wasn't feeling any heat at all were they? Even though many advertisers were in talks to yank their advertising from the Views' prime time slot in response to her adverse comments over the past year such as wars of words with the likes of Donald Trump, Kelly Ripa, Bill O'Reilly and the Chinese-American population as well as her insane anti-American comments...yeah right.....
Ding Dong the Bitch is gone.....
Break out the booze....
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Fidiots and Gun Control
I'm not a monster with no feelings...however as I sat in the floor with my wife watching the news of the Virginia Tech tragedy I turned to her and remarked, "You watch some idiot liberal senator or congressman will use this as an opportunity to further their agenda on gun control."
I hate to be the one to say I told you so, but within hours of the news report Barbara Boxer, Democratic liberal senator from California was already barking about banning handguns, and tighter restrictions and laws concerning the sale and ownership of guns.
I have said it before and I will say it again....My grandfather used to have a bumper sticker on the back of his truck that read "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE....PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.....if 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui had not had access to a gun he would have still lashed out with an axe, a knife, a car, or even a home made bomb.
Now as more of this story leaks out of the liberal pinko media outlets we come to understand that Cho Seung-Hui was mentally disturbed and there were many chances to stop him before he arrived at this point. Earlier in the day, authorities disclosed that more than a year before the massacre, Cho was accused of sending unwanted messages to two women and was taken to a psychiatric hospital on a magistrate's orders and was pronounced a danger to himself. But he was released with orders to undergo outpatient treatment.
The disclosure added to the rapidly growing list of warning signs that appeared well before the student opened fire. Among other things, Cho's twisted, violence-filled writings and sullen, vacant-eyed demeanor had disturbed professors and students so much that he was removed from one English class and was repeatedly urged to get counseling. authorities disclosed that in November and December 2005, two women complained to campus police that they had received calls and computer messages from Cho. On Dec. 13, 2005, a magistrate ordered Cho to undergo an evaluation at Carilion St. Albans, a private psychiatric hospital. The magistrate signed the order after an initial evaluation found probable cause that Cho was a danger to himself or others as a result of mental illness.
The next day, according to court records, doctors at Carilion conducted further examination and a special justice, Paul M. Barnett, approved outpatient treatment.
A medical examination conducted Dec. 14 reported that that Cho's "affect is flat. .... He does not acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder. The court papers indicate that Barnett checked a box that said Cho "presents an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness." Barnett did not check the box that would indicate he was a danger to others. (Note if this fidiot judge had checked this box Cho would not have been allowed to buy a gun) It is unclear how long Cho stayed at Carilion, though court papers indicate he was free to leave as of Dec. 14. Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said Cho had been continually enrolled at Tech and never took a leave of absence. One of the first Virginia Tech officials to recognize Cho's problems was award-winning poet Nikki Giovanni, who kicked him out of her introduction to creative writing class in late 2005.
Students in Giovanni's class had told their professor that Cho was taking photographs of their legs and knees under the desks with his cell phone. Female students refused to come to class. She said she considered him "mean" and "a bully."
Lucinda Roy, professor of English at Virginia Tech, said that she, too, relayed her concerns to campus police and various other college units after Cho displayed antisocial behavior in her class and handed in disturbing writing assignments. Hello! these fidiots had every chance over a year and a half period to do something about this nut....
If the legal system and this fidiot judge had done their job in the first place in 2005 this guy would have had a record and not been allowed to purchase a gun in the first place. Maybe if fidiots like Barbara Boxer were just a little tougher on crime instead of worrying about the violating the rights of murderers, rapists, child molesters, and criminals........this sort of thing would not have happened. The legal system had the opportunity to shut this guy down in 2005 but the wonderful liberal democrats are more concerned with slapping a band-aid on the worlds problems and hugging a few trees, than taking care of business.
If fidiots like Ms. Boxer want to point the finger at someone or something how about Judge Paul M. Barnett, or our failing legal system? Blaming this tragedy on a gun and making it harder, or against the law for honest law abiding taxpaying citizens to buy or own a gun is not the answer...
A better case could be made to outlaw cars, as they kill many more people each year than guns do....I'm also willing to bet that her security people are carrying a few guns...typical liberal hypocrisy "do as i say not as i do"....lets see how effective they are carrying flowers to protect her worthless hide...
The Virginia Tech tragedy is very sad and i hope the people that had the chance to shut this guy down are held responsible for the lack of action.
My deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families
I hate to be the one to say I told you so, but within hours of the news report Barbara Boxer, Democratic liberal senator from California was already barking about banning handguns, and tighter restrictions and laws concerning the sale and ownership of guns.
I have said it before and I will say it again....My grandfather used to have a bumper sticker on the back of his truck that read "When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." GUNS DO NOT KILL PEOPLE....PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE.....if 23-year-old Cho Seung-Hui had not had access to a gun he would have still lashed out with an axe, a knife, a car, or even a home made bomb.
Now as more of this story leaks out of the liberal pinko media outlets we come to understand that Cho Seung-Hui was mentally disturbed and there were many chances to stop him before he arrived at this point. Earlier in the day, authorities disclosed that more than a year before the massacre, Cho was accused of sending unwanted messages to two women and was taken to a psychiatric hospital on a magistrate's orders and was pronounced a danger to himself. But he was released with orders to undergo outpatient treatment.
The disclosure added to the rapidly growing list of warning signs that appeared well before the student opened fire. Among other things, Cho's twisted, violence-filled writings and sullen, vacant-eyed demeanor had disturbed professors and students so much that he was removed from one English class and was repeatedly urged to get counseling. authorities disclosed that in November and December 2005, two women complained to campus police that they had received calls and computer messages from Cho. On Dec. 13, 2005, a magistrate ordered Cho to undergo an evaluation at Carilion St. Albans, a private psychiatric hospital. The magistrate signed the order after an initial evaluation found probable cause that Cho was a danger to himself or others as a result of mental illness.
The next day, according to court records, doctors at Carilion conducted further examination and a special justice, Paul M. Barnett, approved outpatient treatment.
A medical examination conducted Dec. 14 reported that that Cho's "affect is flat. .... He does not acknowledge symptoms of a thought disorder. The court papers indicate that Barnett checked a box that said Cho "presents an imminent danger to himself as a result of mental illness." Barnett did not check the box that would indicate he was a danger to others. (Note if this fidiot judge had checked this box Cho would not have been allowed to buy a gun) It is unclear how long Cho stayed at Carilion, though court papers indicate he was free to leave as of Dec. 14. Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker said Cho had been continually enrolled at Tech and never took a leave of absence. One of the first Virginia Tech officials to recognize Cho's problems was award-winning poet Nikki Giovanni, who kicked him out of her introduction to creative writing class in late 2005.
Students in Giovanni's class had told their professor that Cho was taking photographs of their legs and knees under the desks with his cell phone. Female students refused to come to class. She said she considered him "mean" and "a bully."
Lucinda Roy, professor of English at Virginia Tech, said that she, too, relayed her concerns to campus police and various other college units after Cho displayed antisocial behavior in her class and handed in disturbing writing assignments. Hello! these fidiots had every chance over a year and a half period to do something about this nut....
If the legal system and this fidiot judge had done their job in the first place in 2005 this guy would have had a record and not been allowed to purchase a gun in the first place. Maybe if fidiots like Barbara Boxer were just a little tougher on crime instead of worrying about the violating the rights of murderers, rapists, child molesters, and criminals........this sort of thing would not have happened. The legal system had the opportunity to shut this guy down in 2005 but the wonderful liberal democrats are more concerned with slapping a band-aid on the worlds problems and hugging a few trees, than taking care of business.
If fidiots like Ms. Boxer want to point the finger at someone or something how about Judge Paul M. Barnett, or our failing legal system? Blaming this tragedy on a gun and making it harder, or against the law for honest law abiding taxpaying citizens to buy or own a gun is not the answer...
A better case could be made to outlaw cars, as they kill many more people each year than guns do....I'm also willing to bet that her security people are carrying a few guns...typical liberal hypocrisy "do as i say not as i do"....lets see how effective they are carrying flowers to protect her worthless hide...
The Virginia Tech tragedy is very sad and i hope the people that had the chance to shut this guy down are held responsible for the lack of action.
My deepest sympathies go out to the victims and their families
Idiots and Religion
For roughly 98,400 years which is when science says man made his first appearance basically about 98,000 B.C.E. until the writing of the new testament in the fifth century C.E. there was no one central religion or religious authority mainly because no one religion could satisfy the needs of the many different peoples of the world. Throughout all this time many wars were fought between opposing religions, but none including the Muslim faith have come close to the atrocities and crimes against humanity as have been done in the name of Christianity...
Basically Christianity set about to convert the rest of the world over to their beliefs and deemed anyone non christian and unwilling to convert "must die." in 1484 the Pope at that time (Pope innocent VIII) endorsed the Malleus Maleficarum which basically made it legal to kill Jews, Pagans, Muslims and anyone that didn't fit into the churches mold. The idiot church aside from the crusades, the Inquisition and all the internal conflict, they are also responsible for for the spread of the killing off all the cats for fear that they were linked to witchcraft a devil worship they allowed the rat population and the parasites that fed from them to multiply in vast numbers killing millions.
It is a proven historical fact that King James removed and added numerous articles from the bible as he saw fit. All the infighting caused the church to splinter again and again and again to the point where "so called Christians" began fighting over ridiculous items such as dancing in church, playing music in church, head coverings, and beards.....Do you really think God or Jesus give a rats ass about such trivial things? seriously? then your an idiot!
A few words from their so called Good Book:
”Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measurement ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote (speck) that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and them shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:1-5“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words shalt thou be condemned.” Matthew 12:36,37“The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach...Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.” Matthew 23:2-3,13, NIV. These are the words of Jesus on this particular matter. The message of judging others is this you idiots: you are allowed to judge, but only if you cannot be held accountable for your own words. You cannot condemn publicly what you do in private. You cannot tell someone not to lie, then immediately lie to someone else. You cannot condemn someone else for cheating on you, when you are cheating on them. That is the message of judging not. If you do not lie, then you may tell someone else not to lie. If you do not smoke, then you may tell someone else not to smoke. James 3:1 says, Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Why is this? Because as a teacher, especially of these things, one will be judged according to his own teaching. A teacher must be as blameless as possible because he is teaching to be so. He will be judged not only according to his own words, but of the words he himself teaches. Whatever you say, you must be also. And yet everyone of these so called Christians that i have had the displeasure of meeting are all hypocrites and don't have the right to breathe let alone pass judgement on anyone or anything...
take for example:
The "Church" has used issues like gay marriage to get people all stirred up with hate. I seem to recall Christ saying “Judge not less yeah be judged,” and “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” No matter what the Old Testament says about someone being gay, Christ did not promote hate, and he did not promote policing other people. What Christ did promote was forgiveness and helping the poor. “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven."
obviously most Christians don't or can't read, or obviously don't believe the so called "Good Book"
All these great and wonderful Christians seem to forget or gloss over the words of Jesus....look at what the Catholic Spanish Did to the Inca, The Aztec, The Mayans and the Toltec in the name of God. The Bible and the 10 commandments state "thou shall not kill" and yet...these God fearing wonderful so called Christians wiped these people off the face of the earth....
Look at what the Protestants who came to the new world did to the native Americans already living here....Thou shall not kill my ass!... ask any of the plains tribes (what is left of them) how they feel about Christians...or better yet ask an African American how they feel about white Christians as they were historically so friendly to or African brothers and sisters.....Love thy neighbor my ass!
Does the world have a right to get all bent out of shape over what is going on in the middle east? Sure they do...but once again look at history, learn form it, or be doomed to repeat it....
what prompted this diatribe? An ignorant backward ass uneducated non reading redneck at work did....It amazes me that in this day and age of instant information that people are so stupid, close minded, and uneducated about their own history.....I suspect this moron hides a white hood in his closet...
organized religion sucks...
Basically Christianity set about to convert the rest of the world over to their beliefs and deemed anyone non christian and unwilling to convert "must die." in 1484 the Pope at that time (Pope innocent VIII) endorsed the Malleus Maleficarum which basically made it legal to kill Jews, Pagans, Muslims and anyone that didn't fit into the churches mold. The idiot church aside from the crusades, the Inquisition and all the internal conflict, they are also responsible for for the spread of the killing off all the cats for fear that they were linked to witchcraft a devil worship they allowed the rat population and the parasites that fed from them to multiply in vast numbers killing millions.
It is a proven historical fact that King James removed and added numerous articles from the bible as he saw fit. All the infighting caused the church to splinter again and again and again to the point where "so called Christians" began fighting over ridiculous items such as dancing in church, playing music in church, head coverings, and beards.....Do you really think God or Jesus give a rats ass about such trivial things? seriously? then your an idiot!
A few words from their so called Good Book:
”Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measurement ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote (speck) that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and them shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:1-5“But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words shalt thou be condemned.” Matthew 12:36,37“The teachers of the law and the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat. So you must obey them and do everything they tell you. But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach...Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You shut the kingdom of heaven in men’s faces. You yourselves do not enter, nor will you let those enter who are trying to.” Matthew 23:2-3,13, NIV. These are the words of Jesus on this particular matter. The message of judging others is this you idiots: you are allowed to judge, but only if you cannot be held accountable for your own words. You cannot condemn publicly what you do in private. You cannot tell someone not to lie, then immediately lie to someone else. You cannot condemn someone else for cheating on you, when you are cheating on them. That is the message of judging not. If you do not lie, then you may tell someone else not to lie. If you do not smoke, then you may tell someone else not to smoke. James 3:1 says, Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly. Why is this? Because as a teacher, especially of these things, one will be judged according to his own teaching. A teacher must be as blameless as possible because he is teaching to be so. He will be judged not only according to his own words, but of the words he himself teaches. Whatever you say, you must be also. And yet everyone of these so called Christians that i have had the displeasure of meeting are all hypocrites and don't have the right to breathe let alone pass judgement on anyone or anything...
take for example:
The "Church" has used issues like gay marriage to get people all stirred up with hate. I seem to recall Christ saying “Judge not less yeah be judged,” and “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” No matter what the Old Testament says about someone being gay, Christ did not promote hate, and he did not promote policing other people. What Christ did promote was forgiveness and helping the poor. “Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven."
obviously most Christians don't or can't read, or obviously don't believe the so called "Good Book"
All these great and wonderful Christians seem to forget or gloss over the words of Jesus....look at what the Catholic Spanish Did to the Inca, The Aztec, The Mayans and the Toltec in the name of God. The Bible and the 10 commandments state "thou shall not kill" and yet...these God fearing wonderful so called Christians wiped these people off the face of the earth....
Look at what the Protestants who came to the new world did to the native Americans already living here....Thou shall not kill my ass!... ask any of the plains tribes (what is left of them) how they feel about Christians...or better yet ask an African American how they feel about white Christians as they were historically so friendly to or African brothers and sisters.....Love thy neighbor my ass!
Does the world have a right to get all bent out of shape over what is going on in the middle east? Sure they do...but once again look at history, learn form it, or be doomed to repeat it....
what prompted this diatribe? An ignorant backward ass uneducated non reading redneck at work did....It amazes me that in this day and age of instant information that people are so stupid, close minded, and uneducated about their own history.....I suspect this moron hides a white hood in his closet...
organized religion sucks...
Monday, April 16, 2007
Feeling Blue
Whenever I feel like crap i like to pop in one of my favorite movies and kick back...
This week i revisited a fantastic film called Grosse Pointe Blank...basically the plot consists of a character named Martin Blank (played by John Cusack totally underrated actor) a freelance hit man who starts to develop a conscience, while in the middle of an existential meltdown, which causes him to muff a couple of routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary (played by his sister Joan Cusack) and his psychiatrist (Alan Arkin), he decides to attend his 10th year High School reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan and try to rekindle the love of his life "Debbie" (played by Minnie Driver) that he left on Prom Night to Join the Army (Grosse Pointe is a Detroit suburb where he's also contracted to kill someone which, ironically turns out to be his ex-girlfriends father). Hot on his tail are a couple of over-enthusiastic federal agents who want to use him as an example, another assassin who was hired to kill him for accidentally killing a millionaires pet dog , and Grocer (Played by Dan Ackroyd), a fellow assassin who wants him to join an "Assassin's Union." which of course he has no desire to join. The whole movie culminates in a three way showdown. The movie is fucking great, and on a personal note I identify with Martin on many levels and it always makes me feel better after i see it.
If you haven't seen this movie rent it! If you have and didn't like it well......... fuck you!
This week i revisited a fantastic film called Grosse Pointe Blank...basically the plot consists of a character named Martin Blank (played by John Cusack totally underrated actor) a freelance hit man who starts to develop a conscience, while in the middle of an existential meltdown, which causes him to muff a couple of routine assignments. On the advice of his secretary (played by his sister Joan Cusack) and his psychiatrist (Alan Arkin), he decides to attend his 10th year High School reunion in Grosse Pointe, Michigan and try to rekindle the love of his life "Debbie" (played by Minnie Driver) that he left on Prom Night to Join the Army (Grosse Pointe is a Detroit suburb where he's also contracted to kill someone which, ironically turns out to be his ex-girlfriends father). Hot on his tail are a couple of over-enthusiastic federal agents who want to use him as an example, another assassin who was hired to kill him for accidentally killing a millionaires pet dog , and Grocer (Played by Dan Ackroyd), a fellow assassin who wants him to join an "Assassin's Union." which of course he has no desire to join. The whole movie culminates in a three way showdown. The movie is fucking great, and on a personal note I identify with Martin on many levels and it always makes me feel better after i see it.
If you haven't seen this movie rent it! If you have and didn't like it well......... fuck you!
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Way Too Fast!!!



Now I have to worry about boys, pregnancy, and a whole bunch of crap i never ever worried about before....If it were up to me I would lock her up in a convent until she was in her mid 30's
sometimes being a dad sucks...note the finger in the middle pic (now that the attitude i'm used to) thanks for peeking...
Scary time to be an American
For those of you that think the Don Imus situation has no bearing on the rest of us your dead wrong. This guy got fired for making a comment that was racist? and Yet Rosie O'Donnell is still on television badmouthing America at every word, Howard Stern is still on the Air degrading females everywhere, and racist ass wipes like Mr. Malik Al Shebaz are still on TV spouting his own brand of hate and racism....
So they fired this Imus guy....and you say so what? don't you see what has happened? and how it will effect us all? Censorship...loss of free speech people....who is next? are your blogs next? Not to mention the double standards.....Hillary Clinton leads the charge calling for Mr. Imus to be fired and yet she accepts a campaign contribution from Timothy Z. Mosley a.k.a Timbaland notorious rapper and music producer who uses the term "ho" all the time...hypocrisy at it finest!!! and what about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton using terms like "cracker" and "redneck" not to mention their numerous documented racial slurs angainst the Jewish community. But apparently thats ok? again can you say double standard?
wake up tune in turn on is a very scary time to be an american......
and only we can fix it!
So they fired this Imus guy....and you say so what? don't you see what has happened? and how it will effect us all? Censorship...loss of free speech people....who is next? are your blogs next? Not to mention the double standards.....Hillary Clinton leads the charge calling for Mr. Imus to be fired and yet she accepts a campaign contribution from Timothy Z. Mosley a.k.a Timbaland notorious rapper and music producer who uses the term "ho" all the time...hypocrisy at it finest!!! and what about Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton using terms like "cracker" and "redneck" not to mention their numerous documented racial slurs angainst the Jewish community. But apparently thats ok? again can you say double standard?
wake up tune in turn on is a very scary time to be an american......
and only we can fix it!
Friday, April 13, 2007
Churchill said it best...
Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.
Except i would like to add this this applies to women as
Pay attention to what the so called liberal democrats are doing in Washington people.... and you will see that they are all sans their brains...
If this keeps up I think i'll need to move to England, or New Zealand...
Except i would like to add this this applies to women as
Pay attention to what the so called liberal democrats are doing in Washington people.... and you will see that they are all sans their brains...
If this keeps up I think i'll need to move to England, or New Zealand...
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