Sunday, December 23, 2007


Well it's been well over a month since i have posted to my own blog....there are several reasons for this....First and foremost my wife said that it was embarrassing because members of her family read my posts......second even though i have been seriously depressed, pissed, and generally bent out of shape on a huge range of topics i just haven't felt like going through the process of booting up the computer logging in and typing about how i feel...instead i have been playing bass.....playing badly mind you but playing none the less...

I have been gassing lately over new gear. I currently just have a practice rig...very small and very farty sounding drives me nuts. However I am very short on cash so as a result I will be selling off my snakes to fund new gear. Not to mention no one in the house will lift a finger to help me clean, feed or take care of the snakes in general, they won't even turn off their freaking lights at night....

The wife is what else is new i can't seem to do anything right no matter what, i can't seem to say anything right no matter what, and apparently i can't make a decent decision no matter what.....I'm beyond caring at this point....playing bass at this point is the only bright spot i have left in my life, and if i want to spend $500.00 bucks on what she call frivolous crap then so be it it makes me happy at the moment. She seems to think I'm regressing into some kind of second childhood, or having a mid-life crisis maybe i am, but what else am i supposed to do when no one gives a rat's ass if your in the house or not? or cares that you have opinions, or ideas, or feelings? i mean seriously I'm not looking to ourchase a 2000 watt rig of doom, but it would be nice to actually hear myself and play a gig with other musicians without being laughed at....

She also gets mad at me for spending so much time over at, but you know what? The community over there actually cares that I'm a part and actually acknowledges the contributions i make to the forum....I sure as hell don't get that at home.

oh well hopefully the kids will be enthusiastic about the gifts i got them this year and will acknowledge me for 30 seconds or so...

Merry Christmas, Yule, Kwanza, Hanukkah, Bodi Day...etc.....